Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thunderbird: Quick Filter background color

To terminate a long and frustrating exploration of Evolution Mail and its utter brokenness, I installed the last Australis-free Thunderbird (24) and began to set it up to my liking.  Perhaps the one obstacle to the application's compatibility with dark gtk themes is the Quick Filter view.

When the quick filter is active and shows results, the folder view appears with a bluish-white background.  For dark themes with light foreground colors, this makes it impossible to read the results.  Some forums had mentioned that this was part of an explicit definition made in an attempt to highlight the active status of the filter.  With that idea in hand, i simply took a screenshot of the window, extracted the background color, and cross-searched #F2F9FC against relevant keywords until i found an appropriate stylesheet to modify.

Using Stylish, i crammed this up Thunderbird's ass:
#threadTree[filterActive="matches"] {
  background-color: rgba(0,255,0,0.1);

#threadTree[filterActive="nomatches"] {
  background: -moz-repeating-linear-gradient(top left -45deg, #ff4444,
              #ff4444 5px, #882222 5px, #882222 10px);

 I used a transparent green when successful and red when no matches are found.  In this sense, a highlight effect is still available.  Adjust to suit your needs.

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