Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Audacious: copy current selection to next playlist

Audacious has two different layout options.  One is the familiar classic winamp/xmms style, whereas the other is a more featureful gtk UI.  Under Audacious 3.2.3, the gtk UI exhibits severe memory leaks.  Although newer versions of Audacious have had this problem fixed, they do not run on my current system without other more spectacular usability failures.  Until such a time as i upgrade, I'm stuck using the classic UI under 3.2.3.  I'm okay with that.  I guess i still carry a torch for good old xmms anyway.

Then there's the problem at hand: manipulating playlists in the classic UI is cumbersome as hell.  I only have two playlists: one which contains all files, and one in the background which contains favorites.  I want to easily copy a song i like from one to the other without a bunch of menus or keymashing.

I wrote a simple script based on xdotool:
# this script externally issues commands required to copy tracks 
# from the main playlist to the secondary "favorites" playlist
# without invoking the GTK UI with bad memory leaks
# using windowactivate instead of windowfocus causes cross-$DISPLAY bugginess

xdotool search --screen 1 --name "Audacious Playlist" windowfocus; 
sleep 0.1; xdotool key Ctrl+c
sleep 0.1; xdotool key Tab
sleep 0.1; xdotool key Ctrl+v
sleep 0.1; xdotool key Shift+Tab

I then stuck it in a panel launcher on the same X display.  Now all i need to do is select the songs and click the panel button. I suppose one could use a global keybinding instead.

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