Since full-size keyboards are where I find the most comfort, perhaps it's worth describing what aspects of their design I feel are important to address in my efforts. While that discussion is likely going to suggest a mechanical keyboard as a central ideal, I don't think that any particular mechanism is as important as what properties it can impart to the product. Bear in mind that much of this is merely my preference.
An old XT keyboard, showing cylindrical crowns and overall contour. |
While an unfamiliar laptop key layout may certainly conflict with motor memory, even a familiar layout becomes difficult to use without some form of orienting information. It is the physical geometry of the keyboard which provides spatial cues to reinforce and maintain the accuracy of learned motions when moving from key to key. Consider a similar sensorimotor task; it's easy to walk through a familiar room in darkness if you can occasionally touch known surfaces along the way. Doing the same without any references is an exercise in error accumulation. In terms of a continuous process, these forms of feedback facilitate the error determination necessary for error correction to be possible; they allow the control loop to be closed.
The most obvious and universal orienting features are identifier bumps. They are usually only located on the F and J keys, as well as the numpad 5 key (on keyboards with a numpad). Bumps are one of the few physical features of keycaps that people can easily customize. While self-adhesive bumps can be bought for this purpose, other methods such as glue are common. Custom bumps are especially useful in emphasizing keys associated with certain keyboard commands.
While the typical keyboard bumps are a mechanism to orient hand position within a general area of the keyboard, it is the feedback provided by the shape of the keycaps and the overall contour of the keyboard itself which reinforces the discreteness of all keys. The center of each key can be emphasized by making the crown of the keycap slightly concave, or by making the crown smaller than the pitch distance between key centers. Providing strong centering cues helps maintain spatial awareness and helps to reduce the tendency for edge strikes and two-key strikes. Many keyboards have the rows laid out in either a curved or linear stairstep fashion, a feature which both adds to the distinctness of the rows and aids in comfortably reaching the upper rows.
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You could at least pretend that ergonomics matter. |
In all the time I've spent using this laptop, nearly every minute has been steeped in the thought that there must be a way to improve its keyboard. As per the mentioned limits of practicality, there is little I can do to alter the keystroke or overall contour. While I can't alter the layout, perhaps I can add some extra identifiers. Adding various forms of spatial cues to the keycaps should be possible, though there are some limitations. Of course, there's the limitation of the distance between the keyboard and screen when the laptop is closed. It might also be desirable to make sure any alterations are removable; after all, this is likely to require some experimentation.
The First Attempt at a Solution
My first thought was to use adhesive to add identifier bumps to certain keys. After some thought, I came to the prior conclusions regarding more general spatial awareness reinforcement, ultimately deciding that a centering mark of some sort should be added to the most-used keys. My thought was to simulate the effect of a concave keycap crown by adding a circular ridge on each key. I could add ancillary bumps or ridges either for location, identification, or for avoidance.While a finalized design could be implemented using epoxy, I opted to prototype my ideas using a conformal coating made from clear Dap Sidewinder thinned with xylene. This can be thinned to an appropriate consistency and provides a smooth, self-leveling finish. It can also be completely removed once dry by simply redissolving in xylene; though in this case, sound material could be picked/peeled off cleanly without solvent. It may also be possible to use something like E6000 if thinned appropriately.
I applied the coating with a 1mL syringe and a 25ga dispensing needle bent to a comfortable angle. There are a couple of important things that need to be considered in that effort. Dispensing a viscous material through a fine needle requires a lot of pressure. The pressure requirements can be lowered by reducing the viscosity or by using a shorter needle or one of larger diameter. I chose a 1mL syringe because it allowed me to generate relatively high pressures, but care must be taken to avoid making a mess on the keyboard. With firm hand strength, a 1mL syringe can produce upwards of 200 PSI -- more than enough to eject the needle and blurt a wad of glue across your work. If you can use a syringe with a luer-lok type spigot, do so. If all you can get are syringes with plain tapered spigots, pay attention to keep the taper clean and tight. Practice first.
One also should consider the materials used. Many adhesives and coatings will degrade when in constant contact with skin oils. While I chose this coating for prototyping, it is wholly unsuited for long-term use. After a week or so, it will begin to become sticky and will eventually get smeared everywhere. Other products like E6000 will likely do the same on a longer timeframe, and I would expect the same of almost every common adhesive other than epoxy.
While I found it helpful to have more noticeable identifier bumps, the circular ridges left me relatively disappointed. The rings were certainly better than nothing, but they were still a poor simulant of a key crown. The fact that the keycap is the same height inside and outside the ring makes them fairly ineffective at suggesting a boundary. With this effect in mind and considering the low height of the glue ridge, the ring diameter needed to be fairly small to present an unambiguous shape to the fingertip. The smaller the rings are, the more awkward they feel, and the more often they're escaped.
Placing my hands in the rings on home row felt awkward -- as if they're too straight. Certainly, the wear marks on my main keyboard suggest that my fingertips naturally rest in an arc across the keys. It followed that the landing points were generally centered laterally, but otherwise varied depending on what was most comfortable for a given finger. I switched the circular glue rings out for elongated rectangular glue rings and noted a marginal improvement. I felt that it was ultimately impractical to achieve much more with such a low-profile method.
The Development of Keycap Veneers
Finding myself idle on my laptop away from home, I dared to spend some time on what I'd presumed would surely be a huge waste of time. I figured I'd whip up a parametric model for 3D-printed keycaps. The idea was to print some caps (if they would print flat and thin), clean them up (easier said than done), and glue them like veneers on top of the existing keys. The modelling was done in OpenSCAD, a simple and enjoyable script-based parametric 3D CAD tool. I conjured up several different variations on crown geometry, printing and testing along the way.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 | // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // keycap veneers for shitty flat laptop keyboards // cylinder cuts only strongly enforce x-positioning // this allows fingertips to rest in a more natural arc across home row // and may be more comfortable on keys which require more reaching or are otherwise habitually struck off-center // they're also easier to make smooth (easier to print without fuzz, also easier to scrape/sand by hand) // spherical cuts reinforce y-pos more than cylinder cuts do (important on flat kb) // elliptical cuts are a compromise especially suited to flat profile kb // proportions aren't fixed. some things require manual adjusting // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RENDERING & MULTIPART LAYOUT nf=100; // facet number (~50 for speed; ~200 for printing) Nx=4; // number of caps to tile along X-axis Ny=2; // number of caps to tile along Y-axis tilegap=2; // gap between tiles // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASIC KEYCAP GEOMETRY h=17; // keycap height (in key plane) w=17; // keycap width (in key plane) th=1.7; // maximum cap thickness (limited by kb-screen gap) th_min=0.3; // minimum cap thickness (limited by print strength) draftx=45; // draft angle (vertical taper on R,L faces) drafty=45; // draft angle (vertical taper on T,B faces) cr=3; // corner radius // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIMARY RELIEF CUTS // sphere & cylinder mimic legacy alpha key designs // lcylinder is the transverse version of 'cylinder', for wide keys // wcylinder is a double-cylindrical hull, for wide keys // sausage is a double-spherical hull, for wide/tall keys // ysausage is the same as 'sausage', but each sphere location can be independently offset // bumps is a series of spherical bumps (used as an avoidance indicator) // using 'none' will produce a flat keycap style= "sphere" ; // these parameters may need tweaked when geometry is changed significantly drc=20; // relief cut radius for cylinder styles drs=20; // relief cut radius for sphere & sausage styles // the following options only apply to spherical cuts osx=0; // offset x osy=0; // offset y osz=0; // offset z scaley=1.3; // stretch factor (elliptical cut) // the following options only apply to ysausage cuts os1=-.5; // y-offset for top sphere os2=-3; // y-offset for bottom sphere // the following options only apply to 'bumps' brad=1; // bump radius bdepth=0.7; // bump depth blayout=[3,4]; // number of bumps [x,y] // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADDITIONAL FEATURES // bevel produces a single beveled edge (e.g. for bottom-row keys) // multiple bevels can be specified (e.g. ["top","bottom"]) bevel= "none" ; // bottom top left right or none bevangle=10; // angle of beveled face bevhos=0.6; // height offset of bottom edge of bevel // cuts can be made asymmetric so that a single cut spans multiple keys // this allows certain keys to be grouped by touch (e.g. groups of four F-keys) lowside= "none" ; // right left both or none // identifier position may be in the center or bottom edge identifier= "none" ; // center edge or none idw=0.5; // identifier width idl=5; // identifier length idh=0.95; // identifier height WRT cap height (used for 'edge') idhc=0.5; // height used for "center" // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THE MAGIC module cap(){ color ( "dimgray" ) render (){ linear_extrude (height=th, scale =[1-2*th* tan (drafty)/w,1-2*th* tan (drafty)/h]){ hull (){ translate ([(w/2-cr),(h/2-cr),0]) circle (r=cr,center= true ,$fn=nf/5); translate ([-(w/2-cr),-(h/2-cr),0]) circle (r=cr,center= true ,$fn=nf/5); translate ([(w/2-cr),-(h/2-cr),0]) circle (r=cr,center= true ,$fn=nf/5); translate ([-(w/2-cr),(h/2-cr),0]) circle (r=cr,center= true ,$fn=nf/5); } } } } module relief_bumps(){ render (){ difference (){ translate ([-0.6*w,-0.6*h,th-bdepth]) cube (1.2*[w,h,brad]); union (){ for (m=[1:blayout[1]]){ for (n=[1:blayout[0]]){ translate ([-(w-w/blayout[0])/2+w/blayout[0]*(n-1),-(h-h/blayout[1])/2+h/blayout[1]*(m-1),th-brad]) sphere (r=brad,center= true ,$fn=nf/5); } } } } } } module relief_spherical(){ render (){ translate ([osx,osy,drs+th_min+osz]){ sphere (r=drs,center= true ,$fn=nf); if (lowside== "right" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([h/2+osx,osy,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); if (lowside== "left" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([-h/2+osx,osy,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); } } } module relief_cylindrical(){ render (){ translate ([0,0,drc+th_min]){ rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (r=drc,h=h+1,center= true ,$fn=nf); if (lowside== "right" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cube ([drc*2,drc*2,h],center= true ); if (lowside== "left" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([-h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cube ([drc*2,drc*2,h],center= true ); } } } module relief_cylindrical_long(){ render (){ translate ([0,0,drc+th_min]){ rotate ([90,0,90]) cylinder (r=drc,h=w+1,center= true ,$fn=nf); } } } module relief_cylindrical_wide(){ render (){ translate ([0,0,drc+th_min]){ rotate ([90,0,0]) hull (){ translate ([(w-h)/2,0,0]) cylinder (r=drc,h=h+1,center= true ,$fn=nf); translate ([-(w-h)/2,0,0]) cylinder (r=drc,h=h+1,center= true ,$fn=nf); } if (lowside== "right" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cube ([drc*2,drc*2,h],center= true ); if (lowside== "left" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([-h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cube ([drc*2,drc*2,h],center= true ); } } } module relief_sausage(){ render (){ translate ([0,0,drs+th_min]){ hull (){ translate ([(w-h)/2,0,0]) sphere (r=drs,center= true ,$fn=nf); translate ([-(w-h)/2,0,0]) sphere (r=drs,center= true ,$fn=nf); } if (lowside== "right" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); if (lowside== "left" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([-h/2,0,0]) rotate ([90,0,90]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); } } } module relief_ysausage(){ render (){ translate ([0,0,drs+th_min]){ hull (){ translate ([0,os1,0]) sphere (r=drs,center= true ,$fn=nf); translate ([0,os2,0]) sphere (r=drs,center= true ,$fn=nf); } if (lowside== "right" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([0,w/2,0]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); if (lowside== "left" || lowside== "both" ) translate ([0,-w/2,0]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (r=drs,h=h,center= true ,$fn=nf); } } } module relief_bevel(){ union (){ for (i=bevel){ if (i== "top" ) translate ([0,h/2,th_min+bevhos]) rotate ([bevangle,0,180]) translate ([0,h/4,w/2]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cube ([w,w,h/2],center= true ); if (i== "bottom" ) translate ([0,-h/2,th_min+bevhos]) rotate ([bevangle,0,0]) translate ([0,h/4,w/2]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cube ([w,w,h/2],center= true ); if (i== "right" ) translate ([w/2,0,th_min+bevhos]) rotate ([bevangle,0,90]) translate ([0,w/4,h/2]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cube ([h,h,w/2],center= true ); if (i== "left" ) translate ([-w/2,0,th_min+bevhos]) rotate ([bevangle,0,-90]) translate ([0,w/4,h/2]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cube ([h,h,w/2],center= true ); } } } module drawcap(){ difference (){ cap(); if (style== "sphere" ) if (scaley!=1) scale ([1,scaley,1]) relief_spherical(); else relief_spherical(); if (style== "cylinder" ) relief_cylindrical(); if (style== "lcylinder" ) relief_cylindrical_long(); if (style== "wcylinder" ) relief_cylindrical_wide(); if (style== "sausage" ) relief_sausage(); if (style== "ysausage" ) relief_ysausage(); if (style== "bumps" ) relief_bumps(); if (bevel!= "none" ) relief_bevel(); } if (identifier== "edge" ) translate ([-idl/2,-idw/2-h*0.34,th_min]) cube ([idl,idw,th*idh-th_min+0.001]); else if (identifier== "center" ) translate ([-idl/2,-idw/2,th_min]) cube ([idl,idw,th*idhc-th_min+0.001]); } module tilecaps(){ color ( "dimgray" ){ for (m=[1:Ny]){ translate ([0,(m-1)*(h+tilegap),0]){ for (n=[1:Nx]){ translate ([(n-1)*(w+tilegap),0,0]){ drawcap(); } } } } } } tilecaps(); |
Much of the core focus of these experiments stems from the lessons of the glue ring experiment; that is, finding the balance between the axial components of the crown geometry. The equivalent analog for the circular glue ring is of course a spherically concave crown. By contrast, many keyboards such as the Model M have cylindrically concave crowns. While the spherical crowns provide constraint cues both laterally (side to side) and transversely (across the rows), cylindrical crowns only provide strong constraint laterally. Much like using elongated glue rings, this allows for more variation of finger placement in the transverse direction without affecting comfort. While the cylindrical shapes are certainly easier to deburr and finish than spherical ones, the overall flatness of the keyboard and the tendency to use the laptop in awkward positions without a desk left me wanting more transverse constraint than they could provide. After all, while the Model M uses cylindrical crowns, it also has a significant and unambiguous height difference between rows. The solution was simply a deep ellipsoidal crown contour. Using atypically deep crowns helps compensate for the flatness inherent to a laptop keyboard, and generally provides more constraint overall. A few quick tweaks were required to find what I felt was a good balance. Compared to either spherical or cylindrical reliefs of a similar depth, the final ellipsoidal crown allowed a dramatic improvement in speed, accuracy, and comfort within the alpha keys.
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Caps with spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal crowns (and an identifier bump) |
The F-keys are grouped into blocks of four, with each group sharing an elongated concave relief. This addresses the fact that the keys are not spaced or located as they are on a standard keyboard. Only ESC and DEL have their own spherical relief.
Keys which I rarely use, or keys which are otherwise hit accidentally need some sort of avoidance identifier. I opted for a lower-profile cap with a grid of bumps. While it makes for frustrating print cleanup, it's an effective solution.
Other keys were given either shallow concave reliefs or simple bevels. In this way, they are brought up to a comparable height with the other modified keys, even if they otherwise do not require any particular improvement.
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Other cap types for function-row and numeric-row keys |
Improving the finish beyond that is difficult. As the parts are very thin, heat polishing (flame or hot air) doesn't really work. The features are either destroyed, or the part curls and requires restraint -- leading to more marring. Solvent polishing PLA is not really a thing. No, acetone, MEK, and ethyl acetate don't work. They might slightly soften and deglaze the part, but they will not dissolve the surface enough to allow it to reflow. I do not know of any other solvents that would, but if there were one, I have a feeling that the parts would be so thin that they would tend to curl anyway.
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Sanded, fuzzy caps temporarily affixed during fitting |
I ended up opting to just coat the caps, though I know that coatings on a keyboard are likely going to eventually fail. I figured that my best bet was either polyurethane or a good clear acrylic. I didn't feel like applying the poly with a brush or sprayer, so I just used an aerosol acrylic spray. No, I did not just spray the keys in-situ. I used double-sided tape to hold them down to a waste board when spraying.
The keycaps after a sloppy spray job. It feels better than it looks. |
Final Thoughts
The keyboard as modified has proven to be about as good as a laptop keyboard can possibly be. The height is much more comfortable, the alpha keys are distinct from surrounding keys. The identifier bumps are distinct, and I added a couple extra where I wanted them. The finish isn't very pretty, but beauty isn't necessary here.If you read all that blather without losing interest or the will to live, I should congratulate you. Even I had a hard time enduring it.
I flipping hate chiclet keyboards. I still have a 2010 Lenovo x220 just because of the keyboard. Your post has inspired me I might yet make a solution for myself. Thanks for sharing