In the course of doing some image mutilation in Matlab, I had need to perform some blend operations. Prior to that point, I had been using GIMP to perform the task, but I'd rather be able to automate things. There are probably a number of FEX submissions that could replace this function, but like usual, I decided to reinvent the wheel and write my own.
The following function makes available most of the common blend modes available in GIMP or Photoshop, but I decided to add a few extra things. Uncommon features include:
- Adjustable dodge/burn amount (not just opacity!)
- Several luminance-dependent analogs of common functions
- Lightness and Intensity modes
- Several hue permutation modes
- Several color permutation (hue & saturation) modes
- Inputs can be single images or image sequences (4-D inputs!)
This is probably in need of some work still; I'd like to add some sort of alpha support to things perhaps. In the meantime, it's working well. Many of the conversions use colorspace() from Pascal Getreuer.
function outpict=imblend(FG,BG,opacity,blendmode,amount) % IMBLEND(FG, BG, OPACITY, BLENDMODE,{AMOUNT}) % blend images or imagesets as one would blend layers in GIMP or % Photoshop. % % FG, BG are RGB image arrays of same H,V dimension % both can be single images or 4-D imagesets of equal length % can also blend a single image with a 4-D imageset % mismatches of dimensions 3:4 result in array expansion % allows blending static overlays with an entire animation % mismatches of dimensions 1:2 are not supported % OPACITY is a scalar from 0 to 1 % defines mixing of blended result and original BG % AMOUNT is a scalar (optional, default 1) % used to internally scale the influence of blend calculations % BLENDMODE is a string assignment (see list) % % % MODES: % normal % screen % overlay (standard method) % softlight (GIMP overlay) % hardlight % vividlight % hardmix (similar to posterization) amount:[0 1] % posterize (stronger influence from mask) % colordodge (similar to GIMP dodge) amount:[0 1] % colorburn (similar to GIMP burn) amount:[0 1] % lineardodge amount:[0 1] % linearburn amount:[0 1] % lighten RGB (lighten only (RGB)) % darken RGB (darken only (RGB)) % lighten Y (lighten only (luma only)) % darken Y (darken only (luma only)) % scale add (add bg to fg deviation from mean) amount:(-inf to +inf) % scale mult (scale bg by mean-normalized fg) amount:(-inf to +inf) % multiply % divide % addition % subtraction % difference % exclusion % hue % saturation % value % luma1 (uses colorspace() YIQ conversion) % luma2 (Image Processing toolbox YIQ conversion) % lightness (approx identical to intensity) % intensity % color % permute H>H (rotates hue by mask hue) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute dH>H (rotates hue by hue difference) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute Y>H (rotates hue by mask luma) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute dY>H (rotates hue by luma difference) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute H>HS (rotates color by mask hue) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute dH>HS (rotates color by hue difference) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute Y>HS (rotates color by mask luma) amount:(-inf to +inf) % permute dY>HS (rotates color by luma difference) amount:(-inf to +inf) % % NOTE: % modes which accept 'amount' argument are marked with effective range % dH>H and dH>HS permutations are same as 'hue' when amount==-1 % color permutations combine hue rotation and saturation blending % saturation blending is maximized when abs(amount)==1 % % CLASS SUPPORT: % Accepts images of 'uint8', 'double', and 'logical' % Return type is inherited from BG % In the case of a 'double' input, any image containing values >1 % is assumed to have a white value of 255. % SOURCES: % % % % % % if nargin ~= 5 amount=1; end % i had intended to make this more class-insensitive, but i never need it % output type is inherited from BG, assumes white value of either 1 or 255 inclassFG=class(FG); inclassBG=class(BG); if strcmp(inclassFG,'uint8') fgmax=255; elseif strcmp(inclassFG,'double') if max(max(max(FG)))<=1 fgmax=1; else fgmax=255; end elseif strcmp(inclassFG,'logical') fgmax=1; else disp('IMBLEND: unsupported class for FG') return end if strcmp(inclassBG,'uint8') bgmax=255; elseif strcmp(inclassBG,'double') if max(max(max(BG)))<=1 bgmax=1; else bgmax=255; end elseif strcmp(inclassBG,'logical') bgmax=1; else disp('IMBLEND: unsupported class for BG') return end % expand along dimension 3 where necessary if size(FG,3)<size(BG,3) FG=repmat(FG,[1 1 size(BG,3) 1]); elseif size(FG,3)>size(BG,3) BG=repmat(BG,[1 1 size(FG,3) 1]); end % check if height & width match sFG=size(FG); sBG=size(BG); if any(sFG(1:2)~=sBG(1:2)) disp('IMBLEND: images of mismatched dimension') return end % check frame count and expand as necessary if length(sFG)~=4 && length(sBG)~=4 % two single images images=1; else if length(sFG)~=4 % single FG, multiple BG FG=repmat(FG,[1 1 1 sBG(4)]); elseif length(sBG)~=4 % multiple FG, single BG BG=repmat(BG,[1 1 1 sFG(4)]); sBG=size(BG); elseif sFG(4)~=sBG(4) % two unequal imagesets disp('IMBLEND: imagesets of unequal length') return end images=sBG(4); end % perform blend operations outpict=zeros(sBG); for n=1:1:images I=double(BG(:,:,:,n))/bgmax; M=double(FG(:,:,:,n))/fgmax; switch lower(blendmode) case 'normal' R=M; case 'screen' R=1-((1-M).*(1-I)); case 'overlay' % actual standard overlay mode hi=I>0.5; lo=I<=0.5; R=zeros(size(I)); R(lo)=2*I(lo).*M(lo); R(hi)=1-2*(1-M(hi)).*(1-I(hi)); case 'softlight' % same as GIMP 'overlay' due to legacy bug Rs=1-((1-M).*(1-I)); R=(I.*((1-I).*M+Rs)); case 'hardlight' hi=M>0.5; lo=M<=0.5; R=zeros(size(I)); R(lo)=2*I(lo).*M(lo); R(hi)=1-2*(1-M(hi)).*(1-I(hi)); case 'vividlight' % test this; example formulae are inconsistent hi=M>0.5; lo=M<=0.5; R=zeros(size(I)); R(lo)=1-(1-I(lo))./(2*M(lo)); R(hi)=I(hi)./(1-2*(M(hi)-0.5)); case 'posterize' % actually a broken version of vividlight hi=M>0.5; lo=M<=0.5; R=zeros(size(I)); R(lo)=(1-I(lo))./(2*(M(lo)-0.5)); R(hi)=1-I(hi)./(1-2*M(hi)); case 'hardmix' % ps mode similar to posterization amount=max(min(amount,1),0); Rs=M+I; R=Rs; R(Rs>1)=1*amount; R(Rs<1)=0; % DODGES/BURNS case'colordodge' amount=max(min(amount,1),0); R=I./(1-M*amount); case 'colorburn' amount=max(min(amount,1),0); R=1-(1-I)./(M*amount+(1-amount)); case 'lineardodge' % addition amount=max(min(amount,1),0); R=M*amount+I; case 'linearburn' amount=max(min(amount,1),0); R=M*amount+I-1*amount; % SIMPLE MATH OPS case 'lighten rgb' % lighten only (RGB, no luminance) R=max(I,M); case 'darken rgb' % darken only (RGB, no luminance) R=min(I,M); case 'lighten y' % lighten only (based on luminance) Myiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',M); Iyiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',I); mask=Myiq(:,:,1)>Iyiq(:,:,1); R=double(replacepixels(255*I,mask,255*M))/255; case 'darken y' % darken only (based on luminance) Myiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',M); Iyiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',I); mask=Myiq(:,:,1)<Iyiq(:,:,1); R=double(replacepixels(255*I,mask,255*M))/255; case 'multiply' R=M.*I; case 'divide' R=I./(M+1E-3); case 'addition' % same as lineardodge R=M+I; case 'subtraction' R=I-M; case 'difference' R=abs(M-I); case 'exclusion' R=M+I-2*M.*I; case 'hue' Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=Mhsv(:,:,1); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); case 'saturation' Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,2)=Mhsv(:,:,2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % V=max([R G B]) % L=mean(max([R G B]),min([R G B])) % I=mean([R G B]) % Y=[0.299 0.587 0.114]*[R G B]' case 'value' Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,3)=Mhsv(:,:,3); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % all colorspace() Y-swaps produce identical results within 1 LSB % (YUV, YIQ, YCbCr, YPbPr, YDbDr) case 'luma1' % swaps fg bg luma Myiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',M); Ryiq=colorspace('RGB->YIQ',I); Ryiq(:,:,1)=Myiq(:,:,1); R=colorspace('RGB<-YIQ',Ryiq); case 'luma2' % swaps fg bg luma (using IP toolbox) Myiq=rgb2ntsc(M); Ryiq=rgb2ntsc(I); Ryiq(:,:,1)=Myiq(:,:,1); R=ntsc2rgb(Ryiq); % L and I swaps are calculated differently, % but results are practically identical (within 1 LSB) % for all available HSL and HSI conversion implementations case 'lightness' % swaps fg bg lightness Mhsl=colorspace('RGB->HSL',M); Rhsl=colorspace('RGB->HSL',I); Rhsl(:,:,3)=Mhsl(:,:,3); R=colorspace('RGB<-HSL',Rhsl); case 'intensity' % swaps fg bg intensity Mhsi=colorspace('RGB->HSI',M); Rhsi=colorspace('RGB->HSI',I); Rhsi(:,:,3)=Mhsi(:,:,3); R=colorspace('RGB<-HSI',Rhsi); case 'color' % same as GIMP, swap H&S Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1:2)=Mhsv(:,:,1:2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % HUE PERMUTATIONS case 'permute y>h' % permutes bg hue based on fg luma factors=[0.299 0.587 0.114]; osize=size(M(:,:,1)); cscale=repmat(reshape(factors,1,1,3),[osize 1]); Y=sum(M.*cscale,3); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+Y*amount,1); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); case 'permute h>h' % permutes bg hue based on fg hue Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+Mhsv(:,:,1)*amount,1); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); case 'permute dy>h' % permutes bg hue based on luma difference factors=[0.299 0.587 0.114]; osize=size(M(:,:,1)); cscale=repmat(reshape(factors,1,1,3),[osize 1]); Ym=sum(M.*cscale,3); Yi=sum(I.*cscale,3); dY=Yi-Ym; Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+dY*amount,1); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % note that dH+H permutation is same as a hue swap when amount==-1 case 'permute dh>h' % permutes bg hue based on hue difference Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); dH=Rhsv(:,:,1)-Mhsv(:,:,1); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+dH*amount,1); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % COLOR PERMUTATIONS (rotate hue and blend saturation) case 'permute y>hs' % permutes bg color based on fg luma factors=[0.299 0.587 0.114]; osize=size(M(:,:,1)); cscale=repmat(reshape(factors,1,1,3),[osize 1]); Y=sum(M.*cscale,3); amt=max(min(abs(amount),1),0); % needed since S-blending has limited range Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+Y*amount,1); Rhsv(:,:,2)=amt*Mhsv(:,:,2)+(1-amt)*Rhsv(:,:,2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); case 'permute h>hs' % permutes bg color based on fg hue amt=max(min(abs(amount),1),0); % needed since S-blending has limited range Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+Mhsv(:,:,1)*amount,1); Rhsv(:,:,2)=amt*Mhsv(:,:,2)+(1-amt)*Rhsv(:,:,2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); case 'permute dy>hs' % permutes bg color based on luma difference factors=[0.299 0.587 0.114]; osize=size(M(:,:,1)); cscale=repmat(reshape(factors,1,1,3),[osize 1]); Ym=sum(M.*cscale,3); Yi=sum(I.*cscale,3); dY=Yi-Ym; amt=max(min(abs(amount),1),0); % needed since S-blending has limited range Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+dY*amount,1); Rhsv(:,:,2)=amt*Mhsv(:,:,2)+(1-amt)*Rhsv(:,:,2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % note that dH+H permutation is same as a hue swap when amount==-1 case 'permute dh>hs' % permutes bg color based on hue difference amt=max(min(abs(amount),1),0); % needed since S-blending has limited range Mhsv=rgb2hsv(M); Rhsv=rgb2hsv(I); dH=Rhsv(:,:,1)-Mhsv(:,:,1); Rhsv(:,:,1)=mod(Rhsv(:,:,1)+dH*amount,1); Rhsv(:,:,2)=amt*Mhsv(:,:,2)+(1-amt)*Rhsv(:,:,2); R=hsv2rgb(Rhsv); % SCALE ADD treats FG as an additive gain map with a null point at its mean case 'scale add' Mstretch=imadjust(M,stretchlim(M)); centercolor=mean(mean(Mstretch,1),2); R=zeros(size(I)); for c=1:1:3; R(:,:,c)=I(:,:,c)+(Mstretch(:,:,c)-centercolor(:,:,c))*amount; end % SCALE MULT treats FG as a gain map with a null point at its mean case 'scale mult' Mstretch=imadjust(M,stretchlim(M)); centercolor=mean(mean(Mstretch,1),2); R=zeros(size(I)); for c=1:1:3; R(:,:,c)=I(:,:,c).*(Mstretch(:,:,c)./centercolor(:,:,c))*amount; end otherwise disp('IMBLEND: unknown blend mode'); return end R=min(R,1); R=max(R,0); R(isnan(R))=1; outpict(:,:,:,n)=bgmax*(opacity*R + I*(1-opacity)); end outpict=cast(outpict,inclassBG); return
I've been thinking about putting some polish on the rest of my image-garbling toolbox, so maybe I'll reveal some examples in time. I've also been toying with the idea of doing some animated plots of large datasets. That may be interesting.
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