The way I look at it, there are at least three classes of video links that can be identified as disposable:
- Videos from certain channels
- Videos with an astronomical number of views
- Videos that are "Recommended"
//li[child::div/a/span[@class="stat attribution"]/span[contains(.,'Busy Beavers')]] //li[child::div/a/span[@class="stat attribution"]/span[contains(.,'BuzzFeed')]] //li[child::div/a/span[@class="stat attribution"]/span[contains(.,'Danger Dolan')]] //li[child::div/a/span[@class="stat view-count" and number(translate(substring-before(.," "),',','')) > 3000000]] //li[child::div/a/span[@class="stat view-count" and contains(., 'Recommended')]]
The particular channel names and limiting views count can be tailored for your experience and taste.